Modern Cataract Surgery
When people hear the word cataracts, they think of relatives, such as a grandparent, who had a complicated procedure. That relative was forbidden to bend down for three weeks! Modern cataract surgery is not complicated. Experienced surgeons, using advanced technology, can generally perform the procedure in less than fifteen minutes. You'll be awake for the procedure. Your surgeon will numb your eye and you won't feel pain. Then, once the cataract is removed, your doctor inserts the new lens, which is made of plastic, silicone, or acrylic, and closes the tiny incision. You won't be able to see or feel the lens. It becomes a permanent part of your eye.
Cataract Surgery Recovery
Recovery time is usually quick. There are no shots, no stitches, and no eye patch, thanks to current technology advances. Typically, full recovery occurs within a matter of a few days. You won't need an overnight hospital stay, but you'll need someone to drive you home. If you have cataracts in both eyes, your doctor will remove them on separate occasions, giving the first eye a chance to heal.
It’s also important to note that your eye has an elastic-like capsular bag that serves as a protective barrier for the back of the eye and holds the natural lens of the eye it in place. Once your natural lens is removed, the IOL is positioned in its place.
Cataract Surgery Side Effect
After you’ve had cataract surgery, a common side effect that occurs in more than 50% of cases, is a gradual hazing, known as post cataract capsular haze. The result may be blurred or hazy vision as a result of cloudiness that develops in the capsule. This may occur weeks, months or even years after cataract surgery.
We use a device called a YAG laser to remove this hazing. It’s an office procedure that is painless and takes less than a minute to perform. It is covered by insurance.
Cataract Surgery Risks
Naturally, cataract surgery is still surgery, so there are a few risks, such as retinal detachment, hemorrhage, swelling or infection, but the risks are small. In fact, 99% of people who have cataract surgery, assuming there are no other visually limiting conditions, will achieve improved vision without complications.